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加能 史料  戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku III, Diary of Inryōken, Entoku 3, 1491)


加能史料  戦国Ⅲ 加能史料編纂委員会、金沢市、株式会社ショセキ 平成十五年 (Kano Historical Records, Sengoku III, Diary of Inryōken, Entoku 3, 1491)


「蔭涼軒日録」延徳三年五月晦日条 (一四九一)
(江沼郡)        (斉越)        (盛文慈昌)
院                     (足利義視)よしみ
賀州横北郷内寶幢の事、紹纂都管[ ]開基として、大智院殿様御祈禱(きとうしょ)所候、



六月三日、                 集證(しゅうしょう)判


This document is essentially an outline of events that took place within the compound known as Hōdōin, a part of Yokokita gō in Enuma gun. Apparently word on this estate had reached Shūshō relating to a request from Saietsu Kōgetsu. An order had then been dictated to Shōji, who then passed this along to Kisai for enforcement. Hōdōin`s concerns soon involved Shōsan Tokan Kaiki, who went to the prayer hall of the shōgun (Ashikaga Yoshimi). Here he outlined the situation regarding Hōdōin in its present form, saying that the treasurer Shōjin should continue to deal with the matter, to which there were no objections. The Ikkō shū in the area had been engaging in property invasions. The writer (Shōshū) hoped that Saitō would convey this to the shōgun, and if orders could be released for the suppression of the ikki, then this would be gratefully received. Any further details would be given by the messenger(s) of Hōdōin. Note that Saitō was an official of the Bakufunate, hence this letter informed him of the shōgun`s order for the release of an order to suppress the ikki.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011